Paperless Data

For Demographic Surveillance

This software was developed by INCLEN and used for surveillance in our DDESS site, Palwal, Haryana. This technology is functional on web through PHP and on android platform through MySQL. Huge datasets are handled through MySQL with inbuit quality assurance systems and trouble shoot mechanisms. The key highlights of this software is mentioned below: somaarth1

For Cohort Studies

This software was developed by INCLEN and tailored for cohort studies. This technology is functional on web through PHP and on android platform through MySQL. This software was used by INCLEN for monitoring adverse events following immunizations in a cohort of 30,000 children in 2 remote locations (Kerala and Tamilnadu. The key highlights of this software is mentioned below: somaarth2

For Cross Sectional Studies

This software is develped by INCLEN for facilitating cross-sectional studies. This technology is functional on web through PHP and on android platform through MySQL with inbuilt quality assurance and trouble shoot mechanisms. Presently this software is used by INCLEN in the assessment of Home Based Neonatal Care (HBNC) – A cross sectional Program Evaluation study. The key highlights of this software is mentioned below:

For Qualitative Analysis

This software was developed by INCLEN to handle huge qualitative interviews. This web software, based on PHP and/or MySQL platform has been used by INCLEN in several interviews and has helped to systematically code responses and identify domains. The key highlights of this software is mentioned below:
This software was developed by INCLEN to handle sample details and storage information. This technology is functional on web through PHP and on android platform through MySQL. Presently this software is used by INCLEN-SOMAARTH for handling details of sample collected for various projects like BASIS etc. The key highlights of this software is mentioned below: